Farewell to Timberwick: Emptying Drawers and Clearing Racks

Farewell to Timberwick: Emptying Drawers and Clearing Racks
Date: September 21, 2016
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Timberwick Studio, Santa Fe NM

Over the last eight years, Timberwick has been my studio, an artist’s retreat for talented printmakers from across the world, and a gathering place for many of you.

There are many gems hidden away in the racks and flat files of Timberwick Studios. I have artworks going all the way back to 1975, from every major series in my career.  Before I move to a brand new studio on Galisteo Street, I will open Timberwick’s doors one last time for a very special weekend event.

This is a rare opportunity to view and acquire artwork that spans decades of my career at incredible studio prices.