This zoom presentation outlines the basic concepts and demonstrates how Akua inks can be used in viscosity printmaking. You will learn how to use modifiers to adjust the viscosity of inks and how to test your process to obtain perfect results.
This 2 hour interactive demo includes questions from participants followed by optional 30 minute individualized Confer and Critique Add-On sessions that may be purchased in advance below or at checkout. Additional hour long Confer ‘n Critique sessions may be scheduled by appointment. Please see the recommended supply list below.
For a full hands- on participation here’s what you will need:
- A glass or acrylic palette and a clean monotype printing plate.
- At least 3 different Akua intaglio inks. In my demo I use the primary colors.
- Magnesium Carbonate or Akua Mag Mix
- Akua Blending Medium
- 3 small soft brayers and 3 palette knives
- A telephone book
- a supply of Q-Tips
- a sheet of printmaking paper (I use Arches 88 and print on dry paper)
- A press or hand printing station- check out the short video. For more information about these items or for setting up your studio for whatever level you are at please visit the Materials List.